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Nov 1, 20243 min read
Getting Organized For The Holidays
The end of the year seems to zoom by with all the holidays, celebrations and parties. Throw in a birthday, graduation, wedding or trip...
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Oct 2, 20243 min read
Decluttering the Sentimental Onion
What the heck is a sentimental onion??? Well, it's not really a thing, but more like a thought process when decluttering sentimental...
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Sep 4, 20242 min read
Make a SeptemBer Resolution this Year
As we enter what I refer to as "The Ber Months"...September, October, November and December, time seems to speed up. Weeks and months...
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Jul 8, 20243 min read
How much are you willing to pay for clutter?
After the cash has left your wallet, after the credit card bill has been paid, how is it possible that you would keep paying for your...
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May 6, 20242 min read
The Power of "First-Then" Statements.
I remember back in college when I had to write "If-Then" statements, which means if something is true, then something else will happen. ...
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Apr 14, 20244 min read
Decluttering Roadblocks
One of my favorite songs is "Life is a Highway". I think it's an upbeat and fun song, where you cruise down the highway without a care...
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Mar 7, 20242 min read
Swedish Death Cleaning; No Death Required!
Holy cow! What the heck is Swedish Death Cleaning???? It sounds horrible and depressing! Well, it really isn't. It's actually a very...
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Nov 1, 20232 min read
Something to keep in mind when donating holiday decor
Anytime you donate your unwanted holiday decor is a good time. But, is there a better time to donate your holiday decor? Yep you bet...
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Oct 2, 20232 min read
If You Procrastinate, Can You Still Be Productive?
Can you be productive even if you procrastinate? Oh heck yes you can! However, just what are you getting done? We all know what...
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Sep 1, 20232 min read
The Quickest Way to Making Your Closet Look Better.
Close the door. Out of sight are the piles of clothes on the floor, the overflowing shelves, the kicked off shoes, the odds and ends...
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Jun 9, 20233 min read
Be a Clutter Detective
How can piles of clutter help you get rid of piles of clutter? Oooh, good question, right? First, you'll need to put on your detective...
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Apr 26, 20232 min read
What can you find while decluttering?
Most people think about getting rid of stuff when they declutter, but you can also find some unexpected things too. Over the years of...
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Apr 1, 20231 min read
Before You Spring Clean
Before you bring out all those cleaning products for your Spring Cleaning Spree, take some time and decide what items can be eliminated...
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Mar 1, 20232 min read
Talk to yourself like you would a stranger for better mental health.
A stranger? How can I do that when I know myself so well? Well, it's better to mentally treat yourself like a stranger than to punish...
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Feb 3, 20232 min read
The Key to Motivation Yourself and Others
Have you ever wondered why some people get stuff done and others don't? Or how certain types of stuff gets done and other stuff always...
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Jan 4, 20231 min read
Resolutions = No, Goals = Yes!
Have you made your New Year's resolutions yet? Have you already broken them? Most often, New Years resolutions are made quickly right...
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Dec 2, 20222 min read
Getting Ready for the Holidays
With end of year holidays approaching, now is the time to get organized! Start with a trip around the house to see what can be donated. ...
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Nov 2, 20222 min read
Decide, Decorate then Donate
Whatever the season, most of us have a bin or two (or more) to sort through to pick out the décor that make us happy when we decorate our...
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Oct 1, 20223 min read
Take the "scary" out of decluttering.
Sometimes we might watch scary movies or read scary books for the thrill of being afraid "just for fun" and it's okay because it's all...
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Sep 2, 20222 min read
Piles, and Baskets and Bins...Oh My!!!
What do we do when we have too much clutter? Buy more containers to store it in and tuck it out of sight, right? No! I'm always amazed...
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