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Quick organizing tips for the holidays


With end of year holidays approaching, now is the time to get organized!

Start with a trip around the house to see what can be donated. Grab a trash bag and go room to room and see what you can let go of. If you don't love, use, or need something, consider donating it. Immediately place the donation bags in your car for a trip to your donation center.

Get the hall closet in order. Remove all unnecessary items to make room for your guest’s bulky coats and a boot tray for their winter boots.

Keep a running list of what you need to do on your phone so you won't have to keep track of lots of little pieces of paper. I use the app Todoist, where you can keep a to-do list and even create projects for more involved tasks that need to be broken down into smaller steps.

Set up a gift wrapping station. Keep tape, scissors, paper, gift bags, tags and pens in a bin that can be easily put away when not in use for those quick gift wrapping sessions.

Edit your holiday decorations as you put them out. Keep a shopping bag handy as you decorate and fill it with unwanted or “tired” décor and donate them BEFORE the holiday so someone else can use them right away.

Easily find what you need by using clear plastic totes. Place related items in an appropriate sized clear tote for easy retrieval when needed. Think baking sugar cookies with the kids with all the icing and sprinkles that can be scattered all over your pantry, small gifts for friends, coworkers or neighbors, and special activities/events/outings that you have planned. When hiding gifts for the youngsters, put them in a trash bag before you put them in the tote to conceal the contents.

Whatever your holiday plans might be, remember to "Keep Calm and Carry On"; even those misfires can turn into fun stories to be told in the years to come.

Happy Holidays!!!

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