Have you made your New Years resolutions yet? Have you already broken them? Most often, New Years resolutions are made quickly right before midnight and forgotten just as quickly. Setting solid goals will serve you better and get you to your ultimate...well, goal sooner!
When writing goals, remember to keep your goals SMART.
Simple and Specific
Measurable and Meaningful to you
Achievable and Attractive
Realistic and Responsible
Timed and Toward what you want
Don't rush when you make your goals. Write down the big goal and then break it down into smaller achievable tasks. If you want to climb a mountain, you can't just show up and do it because you have to train for it....over time. What does training look like? When will you do it? How long do you need to do it? These are all part of the steps it takes to climb that mountain. Figure out what steps it takes to reach your goal and WRITE THEM DOWN. Not only write them down, but share them with someone you trust and who will encourage you to keep going. If it's too scary to actually tell someone you know, join a support group on line and you will find tons of encouragement there.
Some areas to consider setting goals in would be: personal (mental and physical), business, financial, spiritual and family.
Long story short, you can wish and you can dream, or you can set goals and take action.
Best of luck in the new year!!!!